Thursday, June 10, 2004

Thursday Threesome.
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -- Walt Disney

Onesome: When you're curious- Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study?
I am curious about a lot of things, but at this stage in my life, I simply don't have the time to research them. Things like egyptology, sports physiology, animal behaviour, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. If I didn't have to work, and was able to go back to studying without any financial concerns, I would chose one of those subjects.

Twosome: you find lots of interesting- What do you consider your most interesting trait/ feature?
I don't even know if I have one! Maybe my job is the most interesting thing about me..who knows...

Threesome: things to do- What's on your list of things to do everyday, whether you want to or not? Filing, phone calls, homework, chasing around after kiddos, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Nothing..I don't have a list of things to do daily. I very rarely do anything I don't like to do. I actually like household chores, but have a rule that they get done on work days, not my days off. That way my days off are exactly that.