Wednesday, March 22, 2006 name is Scully...and I am a rabbit...

...not just an ordinary rabbit tho. I am a nearly six year old furry bundle of gorgeousnous. I know this because everywhere I go, people say things like 'awwwww isn't she lovely' ' ooohhhh look at those cute ears' 'hello gorgeous girl' get the idea.
Here I am eating a tasty leaf, showing off my gorgeousness...

I used to really like leaves, the dirtier and crispier the better. I also used to absolutely adore my Timothy Hay and Supa Excel Forage(R) tho...I don't want to know the stuff.

My owner hooman, who has the audacity to use the same name as me...keeps putting some in my hutches, my litter tray, the cardboard boxes I like to play with and I am like ' to the paw because the mouth ain't interested'

I don't quite know why I've gone off the stuff, especially since I haven't gone off anything else. In fact I have recently honed my 'begging' skills to accumulate some alfalfa slims and vegetable ravioli biscuits.

So, all this week I have been going out on an evening to see my doctors. They have no idea why I have gone off my hay. My teeth look fine, my temperature is fine (I had the humiliation of a thermometer up my bottom), my ears are fine and they can't feel any of the lumps in my tummy that my hooman seems to worry about me getting.
Both the nice ladies wonder if I am a bit 'bunged' up whatever that may mean, because they can't hear my tummy rumbling, so they keep stitcking needles in my neck and then patting me and telling me how brave and lovely I am.

I was in a stroppy mood today tho because they kept me waiting. How dare they! I mean..I know my new carry case is big and roomy (and matches the colour of my hoomans car) but don't keep the Queen of Gorgeousness waiting...

So tomorrow I am off to see them again. I quite like the ride in the car, it's so much better than that horrible bus thing I used to have to go has better music for a start.
Personally I don't know what the fuss is all about, I keep playing the same, sleeping the same and cleaning myself. I did eat two pieces of hay a few moments ago, but then decided to stop again.
Bye for now...I am sure my hooman will let you know how I go on...