Monthly Round Up...
I have just returned from yet another holiday in the Lake district and have also just got off the phone after booking the next one for December!
I could never, ever tire of the place. This time we stayed at a lovely house called Mere View in Bowness. The views from the picture window were stunning. The owners also own the next one we are staying in, Grey Crag Barn. This one is situated on the fells in Grasmere. Both can be seen at Lakelovers
Grasmere, for those that don't know it, is such a pretty little village and is situated just below the fells that form the Fairfield Horseshoe. DBF and I have climbed Fairfield once before but by the time we got to the top, cloud had set in and we couldn't see further than our hand, which at 893m was a bit disappointing. We hope to complete the horseshoe this time around and also walk up the 'Lion and the Lamb', Helm Crag and Calf Crag.
On the stitching front I have finished my May Flip-it which can be seen below and also the second panel of TW's Treetops Sampler.
I've also made a major decision regarding my house. The building company who are building on the site where DBF and I want to live have had to delay the release until next year, so in the meantime I have decided to sell up and move in with DBF at the back end of the year. I didn't want to move to where he is as it's further away from my family than I'd like, but it's still within an hours drive and it will help to have the money from the sale of my house sat in the bank earning interest until the new houses are built. It's a huge step to take, but the more I think about it, the more I feel it's the right thing to do. Watch this space as they say...
10 years ago