Who needs to grieve anyway?....
It seems that the 'Big Man' upstairs doesn't think He is testing me hard enough by taking my sweet bun away from me, so he's decided to launch a whole load of family problems at me too, which quite frankly having had to deal with and sort out these problems like for the last frigging 15 years, I've had ENOUGH. ENOUGH...can I shout it ANY LOUDER. I mean seriously, just how much more is one person's brain supposed to deal with at any one time? Was it my destiny when born to this Earth for me to never be able to be truly happy, to have to carry around these issues the minute I hit an age when I could understand there was an issue? Why was I the one picked out from the crowd and chosen to have to be such a burden to all I ever came across? Why can't some people see me for who I am as opposed to being someone they want me to be. Why am I such a disappointment? And yet despite all my failings...why is it me who is still the one left to sort stuff out and pick up all the pieces? So if You are listening up there in your ivory tower, just accept that I've failed Your test and give me a break and let me get on with grieving for the one thing that accepted me unconditionally....please...
10 years ago