Rotation Round Up 2...
It's working out well so far, in between buying lots of yarn!
Week One saw me finish my Nutkin socks. They didn't come out quite how I wanted them to, as I thought it was a varigated yarn and it was a self striping one! However, I really like them and they are the best fit so far. The pattern used a short row heel and toe which I really enjoyed knitting. I do think that I will knit some more of these in the future.
I then started some other socks in some yarn from the Knitting Goddess. They were for a Feb KAL on a Ravelry group which has a green theme.
Week two...saw me stitch a little more of my Rabbit Sampler. I have added some carrots and started a row of cabbages which I will hopefully complete this week as I am onto my third week two.
Week three...saw me make great progress on my Flutterby socks. I really enjoyed knitting these and love the yarn. It is Meadow by the Knitting Goddess and it is very soft. I was also making great progress on my cloud wrap and am now about 75% complete.
I also started and finished a beanie hat for DH but as yet I have not taken a photo of it. I'll do a separate post for this sometime this week (if I remember!)
Week four...sort of merged into Week one of the third round of the rotation as I went on holiday and wanted to finish my Flutterby socks. You can see them -> I did make quite a few mistakes on these, mainly when knitting the wrapped stitches that form the butterflies, but I fixed them afterwards. They are a little room and if I were to do them again I'd use a smaller needles size.
DH calls them my Spider Socks as he thinks they look more like spiders than butterflies! I learnt the Eye of Partridge method for the heel flap which I really like.
Eventually I turned Week one of the third rotation into Week four of the second (still with me?) I didn't do much stitching due to other committments. However, I did make some progress on my Summer Maiden.
So that is where I am at with stuff. I keep on buying yarn...I'm a bit addicted and if you are on Ravelry, you'll see the stash mounting, but do you know what? I really don't care...I am a good kind person so why the heck shouldn't I be able to roll around in sock yarn if I want to? Lol Best leave it there....
10 years ago