Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon...
It's been a really nice, sunny day today where I am, I hope it has been for you too. However, despite the title, I actually havn't been lazing about. It's my last day off before I go back to work tomorrow and I had to spend some of it doing chores!
My shifts are so rubbish at the mo, that chores have had to be moved mainly to my days off...bugger bugger...
So, I dutifully iron some of DH's shirts and my Super King Size bedding which is a beast!!! I then got down on hands and knees to scrub the rug and carpet with cleaning foam, and once it dried, vacuumed those and the kitchen floor and hall floor.
I then had a bit of a stitching hour before doing my training on my new toy...EA Sports Active
It's great. I am doing the 30 day challenge which basically ahs you training for two days then a day off and so on and so on. It is a really good work out.
Speaking of training, my little Nike+ mini me over there to the left had a bit of a shock the other day...I went out for a run and ended up doing 7.17miles!
I know there will be lots of folk out there who will think that distance is piffle, but to a girl like me who has big hips and large boobage, it's a great achievement. I have NEVER run that for in my life before. I have done a couple of 10ks and obvioulsy go on long walks, but never run that distance before. The main thing for me was, I got in and immediately rang DH to tell him and he couldn't tell that I had been running!
Anyhoo....onto more interesting things for you all...
I picked up my Rabbit Run Sampler from the framers on Saturday. I am really pleased that I finally finished it and as always adore the frame. It works so well with all my rabbity pieces. Forgive the line in the picture, it's clear glass so picked out the fridge opposite! It's hung in the kitchen with the two pics of Scully I had framed and my Eva Rosenstand Three Rabbits (the wall is not that wall anymore!)and my RSPCA Give us a cuddle
I also picked up my Mira Summer Maiden but I'll post a pic of her next week as she is to replace Spring Maiden on 21st June.
One last pic before I go. It's my latest knitting WIP. Pomatomus by Cookie A. I am using Ocean Blue BFL by The Knitting Goddess. I really love this pattern so far and when I bought that yarn, the colour screamed 'Pomatomus' at me so I thought it would be rude to ignore it!
Ohhh and other exciting news...I am off to see a-ha again....let's hope this time around I won't be on crutches! lol.......