Cross Stitch? What's that?...It's been sooooooooooo long since I stitched anything let alone finish anything! I have been bitten well and truly by the knitting and yarn buying bug. Strange then that on Christmas Eve morning I got up and felt compelled to start the Country Cottage Needleworks Butterfly as shown to the left!
Well indeed I did start it and have finished it just now...
In other news....I have a house guest for five days. He is called Barney and looks like this......
He is my DH's niece's rabbit and we are bunny sitting whilst they are away for a few days. He is a cute little fellow and is settling in well. It's the first time a bunny has been in the house since the Queen of G died and to be honest, it's made me realise I don't want another on a permanent basis. Whilst Barney (or Rubble as I'm calling him!) is a sweetie, he does make me think of Bunny and I was a little sad to be honest and I knew then that Bunny cannot be replaced and that I wouldn't be comfortable being a permanent Petmum to another bunny just yet.
I will hopefully be updating this place a bit more in the future but no promises now!!!
Feel free to Rabbit On...
10 years ago